Latest happenings around Honiara
Honiara is abuzz with activity. Today (Wednesday) is the International Youth Day which is currently held at the Honiara Multipurpose Hall. As of yesterday, the decorations were in place, the stalls have been built and every youth is looking forward to meeting, participating and having fun during the day. The Multipurpose Hall will be a hive of activity for all young people.
Aside from the usual theatrics of very important guests the youths are actually looking forward to the live band performances and other delightful activities planned for today.
SIFF Congress underway in Gizo
Before the conclusion of the meeting, we already know one thing for certain. The SIFF presidency is intact and the incumbent, Martin Alufurai, will still be there for another year. Reliable sources have strongly suggested that the SIFF president is also considering taking his chances on a bigger prize and I will let you guess what that is!
If there is anything else to add; some people have suggestede that the SIFF Congress in Gizo is anything but a "sham"?
Telecommunications Bill will be debated
Is parliament still in session? Nobody could give a definitive answer to that question but an interesting Solomon Star headline did say that "the telecommunications bill will be discussed". Government must get it right just in case it were another copy and paste job that needed to be sent back for proof reading or at least lets hope it has already come out of the press.
Draft of Federal Constitution released
Draft 1 2009 of the Federal Constitution has been released. Are we seriously becoming a republic? A copy can be downloaded online at
Source: Lifhaus
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