To'abaita Authority for Research & Development (TARD)

[P.O Box 13, Honiara, Solomon Islands/ Email: Tel:+677 7424025]

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Friday, September 12, 2008

TARD member partakes in USP graduation today

A TARD financial member, Mr Simon Wanekwailiu Mau is among the few Solomon Islanders that attended the USP graduation ceremony in Suva today.

Simon Mau comes from the West Mbaelelea region in Malaita and today is being conferred a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of the South Pacific.

Mr Mau is currently teaching at the Su'u National Secondary School in West Kwaio and flew over to Suva just to attend the graduation ceremony.

Among friends that witnessed his graduation is Mr Luke Mani, a West Fataleka scholar undertaking Doctorate studies in France who is currently in Suva. It is understood that a celebration party is being planned for tonight at Singh Street.

We take this opportunity to congratulate Simon Mau for his fine achievement.

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