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Friday, November 09, 2007


Police Commissioner Jahir Khan supports government's plan to review the Facilitation of International Assistance Act, saying he is concerned with the manner the act has been framed.

Mr Khan in a press conference yesterday said there was an oversight in the previous government for allowing total immunity from prosecution to RAMSI personnel for incidents in the course of duty.

He said he wants RAMSI officers who are found to have broken the laws of Solomon Islands to face the law in their own countries.

Mr Khan said everyone who visits the country and commits a crime is answerable to the laws of the country.

He said RAMSI has done a wonderful job since it came four years ago and that must not be forgotten.

But Mr Khan said the sovereignty of the country has to be observed by all living in it.

"What happens if somebody decides to murder a couple of people on these islands. You want them to go escort free? That's what it is and the only concern I have. I think every body should be answerable to the law of the land."


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