To'abaita Authority for Research & Development (TARD)

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Monday, March 26, 2007

TARD members hosted to a special dinner to farewell prominent To'abaita leader

Several members of the To'abaita Authority for Research and Development (TARD) student volunteer group at the University of the South Pacific in Suva have been hosted to a special dinner last Wednesday by the Konofilia family to farewell Mr Swanson Konofilia, his wife Grace, and daughter Joy Konofilia-Ramosaea and children.
L-R: Swanson Konofilia, Joyce Konofilia-Maetoloa & Joy Konofilia-Ramosaea

Mr Swanson Konofilia is a renowned church leader (now retired) of the South Seas Evangelical Church (SSEC) who hails from the Gwaiau highlands in the interior of North Malaita but was raised on a coastal village in Malu'u. He is married to Grace of Bellonese origin in the Rennel and Bellona Province.

Left: women guests serving their food; Right: the salad with other dishes on the table

Mr Konofilia and Grace recently went to New Zealand for a few weeks of church ministry before flying to Suva to spend a few days with daughters Joyce Konofilia-Maetoloa and Joy Konofilia-Ramosaea who are both active TARD members in Fiji. They will fly to Honiara tomorrow while Joy and her two children have already left in a Solomon Airlines flight yesterday.
Left: Other Solomon kids; Right: a Solomon line from Wailoku with his child

Invited guests during the special farewell dinner include TARD members with families; Avaiki student members; the president of the Solomon Islands Student Association at USP, Steven Maesiola; a Solomon staff at the Forum Secretariat, Mr Johnson Honimae with family; Solomon sugarcane era connections in Wailoku; a staff of the Student Academic Centre at USP; other Solomon families and several Indo-Fijian friends.
Members of Avaiki student Association who were also present

On Sunday last week, Mr Konofilia and Grace were also invited to a TARD meeting and refreshment to welcome new and continuing members whereby he was offered an opportunity to encourage and bless student participants.

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