To'abaita Authority for Research & Development (TARD)

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Arnon Atomea Centre at Malu'u brings online distance learning and Internet to North Malaita

The Arnon Atomea Distance Learning Centre at Malu'u in North Malaita has been connected to a VSAT satellite broadband system this month making it possible for rural people to access internet services and distance learning courses once installation of solar power equipment is completed.

The Distance Learning Centres Project (DLCP) is an EU-funded component of the Education Sector Investment and Reform Programme (ESIRP). It is being implemented for the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development by the People First Network (PFnet) of the Rural Development Volunteers Association (RDVA). It is a 3-year project, that is now to be extended until the end of 2007.

The project is establishing a Solomon Islands SchoolNet, with nine distance learning centres located in rural community high schools in each province, equipped with broadband Internet through a newly established VSAT network. The project is working with education providers building capacity to deliver distance education in support of the curriculum, for in-school teacher training, technical and vocational training (TVET), open and flexible learning.

The centres will be run as multipurpose community telecentres, building on PFnet's sustainable rural networking experience, and are expected to have wide impacts in rural development.

Source: PFNet

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