Development approach reviewed
The review is consistent with the government’s recently formulated policy to introduce a "Bottom-Up-Approach" to national planning to ensure maximum community engagement in the planning cycle of government development plans at all levels in the country.
While appreciating aid assistance from development partners, the government is keen to see that aid delivery and implementation is aligned to government’s development priorities, particularly in areas relating to income generating projects at the grassroots level.
Under this planning policy, the government will soon reintroduce the National Government’s five-year Development Plan cycle including provincial development plans taking into account the bottom-up and people-centered approach to development planning.
The government is also keen to accommodate and manage aid assistance to the country with attention on more technical areas rather than on governance and policy making.
This has impressed the government to consider establishing a unit that will ensure proper coordination between Provincial and Central Governments in the formulation and implementation of provincial plans.
Other issues the government will consider under its planning policy include the improvement of transparency in the management of bilateral and multilateral donor activities and to consider the possibility of integrating the recurrent and development budgets through dialogue and consultation with development partners.
-Government Communications Unit
At 6:43 PM, Anonymous said…
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