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Monday, August 07, 2006

SI Catholic Bishops serve mass with students in Suva

Yesterday was a memorable event for our Solomon Islands' catholic students and other working people in Suva, as they hosted the Solomon Islands' Archbishop and Malaita Diocese Bishop to a mass and feasting ceremony. Some of our To'abaita students are also part of the Solomon Islands Catholic students in Suva, and they were part of the program yesterday.

Archbishop Adrian Smith and Bishop Chris Cardone of the archiodiocese of Malaita are currently in Suva to participate in a Bishops conference at the Pacific Regional Seminary.

Speaking during his sermon, the Archbishop encouraged the students about the beauty of the Solomon islands and its pride. As part of the celebration, the students also made three happy cheers for the 40th anniversary of Archbishop Smith and the cutting of his annversary cake, followed by the singing of the Jubilee song by the students.The friendly wantok athmosphere could be felt as families and friends of the Solomon Islands Catholic community get to meet the two Bishops in person, chat and laugh.

The mass was followed by a feast and a meeting with the Bishops in which they held a short talk and the students and staff were given the chance to ask questions to the Bishops on issues regarding the church and other pressing issues that needs to be pursued.

In closing, words of acknowledgements were given by the President of the USP Solomon Islands Catholic Students, Mr. Abraham Bata'anisia to Archbishop Adrian Smith, Bishop Chris Cardone, the university chaplain Fr. John Bonato, Fr. Paul of the Pacific Reginal Seminary(PRS), and Fr. Julio.The day ended peacefully as everyone returned to their various places for the start of another week.
Meanwhile, TARD has been in contact with The Catholic Overseas Volunteer organization in New Zealand known as "MAHITAHI" and Malaita Bishop Chris Cardone over the past weeks, and we are also expected to arrange a meeting with Bishop Cardone this week to discuss a potential expansion of Mahitahi's volunteer programs to Malaita Province, particularly the North Malaita region.

Source: story by Aleke and pictures by John Maefiti (USP)


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